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Time of completion in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2023-04-10Updated:2023-04-10
Similar words: certificate of completioncompletionincompletiontake time offat the time ofthe time of daycompletion ratecompletion date
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1. The initial treatment intervals start from the time of completion of the initial recanalisation, whether this took one or more treatments.
2. Time zero was considered the time of completion of the test meal.
3. This is the time of completion and renewal.
4. Process evaluation included time of completion, understanding content, usability of technology, and satisfaction with the system.
5. This is a time of completion for this entire system.
6. As the time of completion of the Three Gorges Project is drawing near,[] to have the issue studied is becoming more urgent.
7. Please provide your bids and estimated time of completion for this requirement.
8. About the time of completion of Filial Piety, this thesis will start from the ideology and content to infer its approximate completing time.
9. Please let me know exact budget and time of completion.
10. The main management work at the time of completion in project is handing over, acceptance check, guarantee and return visit etc.
11. I have a PCI compliance issue with a website and I need it to be fixed. Please let me know exact budget and time of completion.
12. If the restored construction project is inspected at the time of completion to be unqualified, and the contractor requests payment of construction costs, such request shall not be sustained.
13. It also relaxed requirements for time of payment by developers for land use and time of completion of real estate projects, easing pressure on developers' finances.
14. Once the new site is done all existing content will be migrated to the new designed site unless otherwise stated at the time of completion.
15. Once you have gone over all the material, please contact me back and provide me with a quote and estimated time of completion of this project.
16. This in turn gives proof to the material resources and time of completion of the Book of Changes.
17. Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion.
18. Class Size: Maximum 16 participants. Seat reservation shall be based on the date and time of completion of your enrollment.
More similar words: certificate of completioncompletionincompletiontake time offat the time ofthe time of daycompletion ratecompletion datetake time off tocompletion statussample timepass the time of daybone of contentiona bone of contentiontime offpeople of colortime of dayestimated time of arrivalcomputational complexitytime of lifetime of yearreal time operationreal-time operationcomplexationtime of arrivalcomplex operationcomplete operationcomplex functioncomplementationat this time of day
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